Quartz S.A. - konfekcjonowanie, pakowanie, co-packing
Fundusze europejskie


Information and news from QUARTZ S.A. S.A.

GMP Good Manufacturing Practice Certificates

GMP Good Manufacturing Practice Certificates

GMP Good Manufacturing Practice Certificates Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) is based on the creation of closely interdependent control and production procedures leading to quality assurance ensuring that the products manufactured and services provided meet certain quality requirements. All activities are aimed at ensuring the repeatability and homogeneity of products through strict supervision and documentation of production processes, from the stage of raw materials, through their storage, production, packaging, to the storage and release of finished products.

Quartz Calendar for 2020!

Quartz Calendar for 2020!

As every year, there was a competition for our children for works made with any technique. This year's theme was: "Dream outfit for work".

NEW on the packaging market

NEW on the packaging market

To meet your expectations, we decided to expand our offer with a special type of packaging. We present you with an innovative packaging industry solution that is MONODOSE.


ul. Leśna 5
05-100 Nowy Dwór Mazowiecki

tel. +48 22 775 11 75
tel. +48 783 280 500
sales@quartz.pl; handlowy@quartz.pl


Project and Design by al-tair.pl