Quartz S.A. - konfekcjonowanie, pakowanie, co-packing
Fundusze europejskie


Information and news from QUARTZ S.A. S.A.

Get rid of the plastic and replace the turtle with viscose!

Get rid of the plastic and replace the turtle with viscose!

According to the Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2020/2151 of 17 December 2020, from 3 July 2021 it has been made compulsory to provide information on the plastic content of a disposable product in the official language of the country where it is on the market. In Polish this is the phrase "produkt zawiera plastik". The aforementioned regulation contains an annex which specifies exactly how the imprint should look like, what size it must be, and even colour shades. It is best to read the details at the source, i.e. in the legal act with annexes available at this link.

New packaging symbols

In order to avoid the above markings, you can choose to replace the nonwoven fabric you are currently using with a 100% viscose nonwoven fabric. What is viscose? It is - next to cotton and polyester - the most popular material on the market. Viscose is produced from cellulose, which in turn is extracted from various species of trees (most commonly beech, oak, spruce and even eucalyptus). However, these ingredients alone are not sufficient, in order to give the nonwoven its proper properties it must be subjected to a number of complicated chemical and technological processes.  Viscose, therefore, belongs to the group of artificial fibres, which are formed from natural components, and the production process is similar to the production of synthetic fibres.


ul. Leśna 5
05-100 Nowy Dwór Mazowiecki

tel. +48 22 775 11 75
tel. +48 783 280 500
sales@quartz.pl; handlowy@quartz.pl


Project and Design by al-tair.pl