Quartz S.A. - konfekcjonowanie, pakowanie, co-packing
Fundusze europejskie


Information and news from QUARTZ S.A. S.A.

Brawo dla użytkowników kosmetyków “Joanna” za świadomy wybór!

Way to go! Congratulations to the users of "Joanna" cosmetics on their conscious choice!

We are all excited about the change of packaging of Joanna Professional hair brighteners series has been positively received by customers https://www.joanna.pl/produkt/rozjasniacze/.

The existing plastic jar with a cap has been replaced by a #doypack with zipper.

Apart from the modern form of #packing, #Cosmetic Laboratory Joanna has relieved the warehouse of several dozen pallet places and simplified the product logistics.

Thanks to this simple and cheap solution we have reduced the amount of plastic input on the market by 80% and we have reduced the cubature of waste by 80%.

If you want to change your packaging to more ecological and more economical - call or write: +48 22 775 11 75, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Take care of yourself, be safe!



ul. Leśna 5
05-100 Nowy Dwór Mazowiecki

tel. +48 22 775 11 75
tel. +48 783 280 500
sales@quartz.pl; handlowy@quartz.pl


Project and Design by al-tair.pl