Quartz S.A. - konfekcjonowanie, pakowanie, co-packing
Fundusze europejskie


Information and news from QUARTZ S.A. S.A.

Nastał kolejny rok, a w raz z nim nowy kalendarz!

Another year has come and with it a new calendar!

Another year has come and with it a new calendar!

With a theme that relates to the current national and global situation. - "My parents safe at work". Our kids did a great job as usual, for which each of them received award. This year we focused on strong, colorful and fairy tale graphics.

We encourage you to see all the works!


ul. Leśna 5
05-100 Nowy Dwór Mazowiecki

tel. +48 22 775 11 75
tel. +48 783 280 500
sales@quartz.pl; handlowy@quartz.pl


Project and Design by al-tair.pl